Treetops sucks. This is a fact. With the possible exception of weekend brunches, people go to Treetops for the sole reason that it is paid for already. I almost typed cheap in that last sentence, but my mother smacked me in the head. It's not cheap- at all. And it's required by everyone that lives in the dorms; so even vegetarians with no need for Treetops sans the salad bar in the middle are at Treetops.
However, as I sit at home deliberating whether boiling water is worth the trouble to make noodles or to eat Stouffer's Macaroni and Cheese for the 12000th time since I've been home, I actually find myself missing Treetops, sacreligious as it sounds. The nice people working, the cooked food, the girls, eating with people that aren't my brother. Somehow I've hit a stage in my life where I miss a college cafeteria. Shoot me now.
Because I don't own a scanner, I'm just going to copy and paste the words from an appropriate Calvin and Hobbes strip.
Calvin: People are rotten!
Calvin: When I grow up, I'm going to live a million miles from everyone!
Hobbes: How will you survive? How will you eat?
Calvin: Well... Mom could come by twice a day to cook, I suppose.
Hobbes: That would be quite a commute.
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